With dasfeinebad.de we offer you the most exclusive online shop for high-quality bathroom furnishings. Each of our products has been selected for high functionality and durable materials without compromising on design. You can expect the highest level of service and quality from us.
Through our careful selection of the finest products, you can be sure that you will enjoy them for many years to come.
Why shop at dasfeinebad.de from Hamburg?
Planungssicherheit für Sie dank großem Lager
Wir haben eine riesige Auswahl an Lagerartikeln, die wir Ihnen sofort liefern können. Bei jedem Artikel können Sie sehen, ob er direkt verfügbar ist und haben so eine hohe Planungssicherheit für sich und Ihren Handwerker.

We know our bathroom accessories
We not only sell and advise on everything to do with bathrooms, we also process our bathroom accessories ourselves.
We have personally touched, tested and installed all the bathroom items that we sell in the shop and in our bathroom showroom here in Hamburg, and found them to be functional, in design and technically good.
We don't even sell bathroom fittings that don't fully meet these criteria.

We are bathroom specialists
We are a specialist retailer for bathroom furnishings, bathroom fittings, bathroom furniture, bathroom accessories and bathroom accessories. This is our area of expertise, in which we are well versed.
We are not just a mail order company that only sells everything from an office, no matter what is available, but we run a bathroom showroom in Hamburg with regular opening hours, where everyone can see, touch and try out the bathroom furnishings before they buy. So please come by and have a look.

We can help
Do you have questions about your bathroom, our bathroom accessories, or are you unsure whether the bathroom accessories you have selected fit into your bathroom or guest toilet, you have no idea whether you prefer box wall lights or mirror lights should take?
We can provide you with expert advice, whether on the phone, via our contact form, or in person in our bathroom showroom.
Sustainability of our bathroom furnishings
Due to the high quality of our bar accessories, it is not necessary to constantly exchange them for new ones because of constant defects.
And if a soap dispenser refuses to work, a toilet brush is too old, a cosmetic mirror glass is broken? No problem, we supply the right replacement parts for all of our bathroom accessories, whether replacement pumps for soap dispensers, replacement brushes for toilet combinations or replacement glasses for mirrors. Our motto: it's better to pay a little more for quality, not only protects the environment, but also your nerves.
And should you still want or have to part with an item, it can in most cases be reinserted into the material cycle, e.g. B. the Decor Walther series STONE. Do you have any further questions about the sustainability of our bathroom accessories items? Call us in our bathroom showroom on 040/81994399, we will be happy to provide information and welcome suggestions.
In order to relieve the burden on the environment, we have decided to continue using used boxes and filling material from the shipping packages, as long as they are in order. This means a little more work for us in shipping, but it's a small step in the right direction. That's why it can happen that a package doesn't quite match the picture in a glossy brochure.

Availability of bathroom furnishings
Every bathroom accessory that is listed as in stock in the shop is actually in our warehouse and is not ordered from the supplier when the customer places an order and then shipped with a delay.

We try to achieve the best possible purchase prices through optimal purchasing conditions and are happy to pass these on to our customers.
Compare us! And if it doesn't fit, let us know or ask us personally in Hamburg in the bathroom exhibition, or via our contact form . Of course, the prices in our online shop and in the bathroom exhibition are always the same.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
To protect the environment, we reuse cardboard boxes and packaging material several times.
We want to keep packaging waste as low as possible for all of our shipments in order to conserve resources - that's why we use well-preserved boxes several times. Every box that we receive is inspected and checked for reusability - of course, protecting your goods is our top priority.about your offers or your shop.
Matthias and Roger Gruschka
We, the brothers Matthias and Roger Gruschka, have been working in the field of manual bathroom renovation and planning for more than 25 years.
In 2002 we expanded our business to include the bathroom exhibition and retail trade at Osdorfer Landstraße 20, in Hamburg Groß Flottbek, "the fine bathroom", which is why our company was named after it.
Since then, we have presented a variety of realistic bathroom representations in the shop, which we have collected from our many years of experience with bathroom remodeling.
Over the years, we have constantly refined the range through our numerous customer contacts and their diverse wishes and today we offer you one of the most interesting bathroom exhibition shops in Hamburg.
With the completion of our extension in the summer of 2018, we finally had enough space to expand our shop with an online shop for bathroom accessories next to the bathroom exhibition.
This means that we can also equip customers who live further away or who do not always have enough time to visit us with our extensive bathroom accessories programme.
Make an appointment now